Energy Healing For Eyes

“Eyes are window to the soul.”
This proverb is so correct as whenever someone does not express anything by words they express it by their eyes. Eyes help us perceive things, understand them and emote ourselves. One of the five senses ‘vision’ are supported by eyes. Eyes are also a receiving point of Crown chakra as Energy healing is not directly given on the crown chakra. 

Such an important part of our body rather our lives sometimes has some problems. Short and long sightedness, lazy eye, dry eyes have become pretty common due to our lifestyle. Many of us and even kids watch mobile screens, laptops, desktops for extended period of time. It is difficult to not use these devices as they have become ingrained in our lifestyles but we can control and rectify the damage with help of energy healing. 

I have personal experience of wonderful effect of energy healing for eyes. My 5 year old was prescribed glasses which we have had made promptly so that his vision does not suffer anymore.  I started Energy healing sessions and after two months we went to an eye doctor who after a thorough check up told us that there is no problem with his eye sight. He does not need glasses nor does he has lazy eye, squint or floaters. Needless to say, we were ecstatic.

Many parents are worried about general health of their kids and do everything in their power to keep kids healthy. Perfect eye sight is also of their concerns as sometimes one or both parents have eye problems which make kids susceptible to eye problems due to hereditary factors. 

Energy healing is equally effective for adults burdened by constant use of smart devices affecting their eye sight. Many have dry eyes because they do not take breaks to finish the dead lines. Well, there is ever present stress which adds to the woes and gives headaches.

Eye problems are numerous and the number of people it affects is even larger but we have a solution at hand.Best part is there are no side effects of energy healing making it totally safe for everyone and their eyes.

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