Aura - The subtle energy shield

When we meet someone for the first time we feel something about them in an instant and that feeling usually becomes the deciding factor on how we proceed in that meeting. It applies to both the persons we love or like and persons with whom we do not really get along. The feeling we get by meeting others is usually called vibes but there are other names as well like energy (positive or negative) or sensation etc. the reason we get particular kind of vibe from a person is Aura.

Aura is a subtle energy which is always present around living beings but is not really visible to human eyes. There are some people who can see Auras but it takes a lot of meditation to be able to do that. Nevertheless all of us feel it and good Auras normally attract others. A strong Aura makes sure that we are protected from negative energy and helps us in keeping ourselves mentally, emotionally and physically healthy.

If Aura is damaged or becomes weak, it can give rise to many problems first of all the layer of protection is gone so there is no immunity against negative energy. This will lead to a decline in health on physical or mental or emotional level. A person with weak Aura can easily succumb to addictions of all kinds. A weak Aura can also attract negative energy in the form of making choices which are obviously wrong as reasoning; logic and presence of mind are also affected along with Aura.

Reasons of Aura becoming weak are constantly being in a negative zone. This negative energy can be created by us as well in the form of thinking bad outcomes of a future event. The negative energy can be inflicted upon us in the form of abuse or traumas. In such cases Aura is providing constant shielding from negative energy but not getting any positive energy to make it stronger ultimately rendering the Aura weak.

If the Aura can become weak then it can become strong as well but we have to work for it. First we have to cultivate a habit of reigning in our illogical negative thoughts. We should also turn to Yoga as Yoga lifts mind and body both. Meditation is another option for spiritual upliftment.  Another great option is to practice Energy healing sessions or receive Energy Healing Sessions. Omni healing is one of the Energy Healing techniques which will make the Aura strong. An Omni Healer does this by channelizing positive vibes in a person in an effective manner through Touch Healing or Distance Healing. It is an effortless alternative as the healee is relaxed while healer performs healing.

Aura is our protection against negative energy but it needs positive energy to be able to shield us effectively and doing Energy healing sessions will ensure a strong Aura which will help in keeping our positivity intact.


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