Energy Healing for Eyes:How reiki can help your sense of vision?

“Eyes are window to the soul.”

This proverb so accurately sums up the importance of eyes. When someone cannot express by words they express it by their eyes. Eyes help us perceive things, understand them and emote ourselves. One of the five senses, ‘vision’ are supported by eyes. Eyes are also a receiving point of Crown Chakra as Energy healing is not directly given on the crown chakra. 

Such an important part of our body rather our lives sometimes has some problems. Short and long sightedness, lazy eye, dry eyes have become pretty common due to our lifestyle. Many of us and even kids watch mobile screens, laptops, desktops for extended period of time. It is difficult to not use these devices as they have become ingrained in our lifestyles but we can control and rectify the damage with help of energy healing. 

I have personal experience of wonderful effect of energy healing for eyes. My 5 year old was prescribed glasses which we have had made promptly so that his vision does not suffer anymore. I started Energy healing sessions and after two months we went to an eye doctor who after a thorough check up told us that there is no problem with his eye sight. He does not need glasses nor does he has lazy eye, squint or floaters. Needless to say, we were ecstatic.

Many parents like me are worried about general health of their kids and do everything in their power to keep kids healthy. Perfect eye sight is also of their concerns as sometimes one or both parents have eye problems which make kids susceptible to eye problems due to hereditary factors. 

Energy healing is equally effective for adults burdened by constant use of smart devices affecting their eye sight. Many have dry eyes because they do not take breaks to finish the dead lines. Well, there is ever present stress which adds to the woes and gives headaches.

Eye problems are numerous and the number of people it affects is even larger but we have a solution at hand.Best part is there are no side effects of energy healing making it totally safe for everyone and their eyes.

Reiki for Teenagers

Namaste Everyone,
A warm welcome to all of you.I am Arunima, an energy /Reiki healer from Pune, India. In this post we are going to talk about Reiki for Teenagers

Meet a typical teenager and you will find raging hormones, rebellious attitude and umpteen mood swings. While looking at their negative traits, We also need to look at the positive side like tremendous energy ,lots of enthusiasm and quest to prove themselves. Teenagers think of themselves as grownups but are still in their formative years. Thus the need for giving them proper direction is of utmost importance to help them have a grounded attitude in life as they grow up. Energy healing calms them down, which in turn makes them introspect which gives them right direction to think.

Some of the points where Energy healing is beneficial for teenagers.

  • Hormonal imbalance - Ever-changing hormones lead to ever- changing moods of teenagers, giving a tough time to parents. Although it is not their fault but if hormonal fluctuation can be controlled, without any side effects then why not. Energy healing for chakras will balance their hormones.
  • Depression - Teenagers are more prone to go into depression than their younger counterparts. Even kids who were of cheerful disposition can develop gloomy outlook towards life during teenage. Energy healing for mental health,strengthens their mind to handle pressure that they face constantly from peers, parents or society.Energy healing acts as preventive as well as curative measure in this case.
  • Body Image/ Self Esteem Issue - Teenagers become conscious about their bodies and try to look their best to build image and esteem. As looking good is one of the most important part of image and esteem, any compromises on looks are not acceptable for them. After a while constant struggle with pressure to look good gives body image and self esteem issues. Energy healing will strengthen their psychological side giving some relief from this unwanted pressure.
  • Addictions - Teenagers can be easily influenced by anything that seems ‘cool’ to them and often succumb to addictions. Energy healing prevents addiction as it shields from peer pressure, depression and self esteem issues. One more form of addiction which is rampant now is cyber addiction. Teenagers are so much into cyber worlds that they often forget to live in real world. Energy healing helps get rid of addictions by strengthening emotional quotient of a person.

 Energy healing  like Omni Healing will help teenagers in more ways than one as stated above but we need to keep       in mind that     they are still teenagers. Energy healing will benefit them without taking away their     typical teenage aura. So,we do not need to worry about a teenager behaving as a grown up or as an old person. Energy healing will just ensure less tantrums and more of good moods. I hear parents having a sigh of relief.
If you want Chakra Balancing or remove blockages through Reiki, please contact me on Although I live in Pune, distance Reiki healing is possible in all of India

Difference Between Energy Healing & Meditation

Energy Healing is unblocking and balancing the energy centers to ensure flow of energy for physical and mental wellness.

Meditation is focusing thoughts on a single thing like breathing and later on trying to become thought free in order to promote physical and mental wellness.

These are general definitions of Energy Healing and Meditation and while we can see the similarities, it is difficult to point out differences. This is why people often consider them the same as both promote physical and mental well-being. But there are some differences which we will discuss below to let us help them understand better.

1. Attunement or Initiation - Meditation does not require attunement or Initiation to start practicing it  whereas Energy Healing requires attunement to start practicing. There are mantras and symbols used in Energy healing which remain ineffective without attunement. Attunement is done by teachers of that particular Energy Healing method.

2. Energy Healing can be given to others - Meditation is very beneficial for self development but it cannot be given to others. Everyone has to practice meditation for themselves. Energy Healing on the other hand can be practiced on self  and Healing can be given to others too for various problems. In short benefit of one's energy healing practice can be transferred to others too which is not possible in meditation.

3. Distance Healing is possible in Energy Healing - Most of the energy healing practices allow healer to give healing to people who are far away be it few feet or thousands of miles. Experienced meditators create an aura of positivity and people near them feel good vibes but energy healers
can make positivity reach on distance.

There are some differences in meditation and energy healing but both are related like different branches of same tree. Ultimate aim of both are same to attain physical and mental wellness which later leads to growth of a person spiritually. They are two different paths to attain ultimate happiness.

Energy Healing for New Moms

Everyone is happy as the bundle of joy is here and new parents are ecstatic. This time is delightful for a mom but she is vulnerable emotionally, physically and mentally.  Her attention is more on the well-being of the baby than herself but she needs lots of care and energy to handle all the tasks that are waiting for her. Energy healing is very effective in dealing with the problems associated with new moms and since it does not have any side effect it is even better to opt for it.

Some of the issues in which Energy Healing is beneficial are : 

Reduction in Physical pains - They are common post partum as body still adjusts with the changes that happened for nine months and after the delivery of baby. Many new moms have body pains, pains from stitches, pain in uterus as it contracts to come to its original size, and many more. Energy healing sessions can reduce the pain giving relief to a new mom which makes it easy for to take care and spend time with the baby.

Increase in immunity- New moms can catch infections very easily ass immunity is rather low after delivery of the baby. From cold, cough to diarrhea, fever all this can happen and Energy Healing is effective in increasing immunity and fighting off infections if any. Increased immunity of a new mom will go a long way for her and baby's health in future.

Solution for Postpartum Depression - Postpartum depression is more common than we think and is very confusing for mother. New Mom and everyone else is happy then where did the depression come from but the truth is it is here now and needs to be dealt with. Energy healing is very effective in fighting off depression in-general and postpartum depression as well. Needless to say good mental health is good for not just the mom but entire family.

Rid from Anxiety - Mood swings are quite common for new moms due to tiredness, pains, sleepless nights etc. Emotional ups and downs, ecstatic one minute and angry another minute is all expected but can be really doe without. Energy Healing is like a tonic to mind body and soul which ultimately results in Stability of Mood, less anxiety and happy moments with baby.

From stressed to stress-free - New moms are stressed about many things like baby's health, her own health, time- management, immediate things to be done etc which is definitely not good for anyone. Energy healing sessions will give boost to mental health of mom and she will be able to handle things in a better way.

Also Read Energy Healing during Pregnancy

Energy healing Sessions like Omni Healing are safe and effective even in distance healing. Session time is not much so it can be done easily without taking up too much of time of a mom giving her so many benefits.

It is essential that new moms enjoy the wonderful joys of motherhood without the stress and make fond memories with the baby. A relaxed mom can definitely do it with the help of Energy Healing.

Energy healing for Depression

Depression is much more than sadness and has become a common word but many do not know what it exactly means. The most common question (pertaining to ignorance) is “Everything seems fine then why is that person depressed?”

Depression is not like physical ailments which can be seen or x-rayed but it can only be felt and understood with the help of symptoms and overall behavioural changes of the depressed person. Due to this, it is not diagnosed even by people who are close to the person suffering from depression but a psychiatrist.

It can be understood with this example.Amazon rainforests are very dense, so dense that even sunlight does not reach its ground and trees have to be large and tall in order to get sunlight. Trees survive on sunlight but they have to grow to receive it and they keep on growing after receiving it. It is a cycle which seems simple enough to understand but what if this cycle is turned upside down. Trees will not receive sunlight without growing and they won’t grow without getting sunlight. Now, the situation seems complicated because it has become a vicious negative cycle, just like depression. Positivity can take away depression but a person in depression is in a limbo of negativity thus making positivity hard to reach them.

When there are problems, there are solutions too. Here’s how depression affects a person and Energy Healing can help cope with it:

      Control in mood swings - Energy healing sessions help in controlling mood swings caused by depression like restlessness, excessive crying, irritability to name a few. Energy Healing soothes the person and gives them will power over their mood.

  Insomnia – Many people suffer from insomnia when depressed. When sleep cycle is disturbed, it hinders in body’s natural ability to repair itself and function normally. It also affects immune system and soon it becomes multiple problems than one. Energy healing can be beneficial in letting a person relax and to sleep better. 

  Lack of concentration – Depression many times leads to lack of concentration which can become problematic especially in professional life. Energy healing sessions can help in increasing concentration level and resilience to laziness because of depression.

Weight issues – Depression leads to excessive or deficient eating which again has adverse effect on weight. Energy healing gives positivity and inner strength to cope with food and weight issues.

Depression is mainly related to imbalance of Crown Chakra and third-eye chakra. Balancing these two chakras can have good results in defeating depression. Energy healing is a good way to fight-off depression without any side-effects and helping a depressed person to get back to happy state.

Energy Healing for Physical Pain

Pain or physical pain  is one of the aspects of our lives which affects people of all the age groups but pain is also the biggest obstruction in whatever we are doing be it fun, work or general relaxation. Being pain-free, sometimes becomes the biggest dream of people suffering from chronic pain. It is also interesting to note that different people have different pain bearing capacity. For example, one person may start crying for a small bruise but another may not be bothered by a big wound.

Let’s have a look at different types of pain which can affect us at different times and how Energy Healing can help us.

1.     Reduces Life style Related Pain – This is kind of latest trends in pain as it is made by the current lifestyle in which we live. Back-aches, shoulder pain, neck pain all are due to poor posture in a job sitting in front of computers whole day. We cannot leave the job but it can be prevented by a good posture but once the pain is triggered we need to take proper treatment for it. Energy healing is very useful in such pain as it relaxes the stress in the particular parts which then reduces the pain.

2.     Alleviates Sudden Pain – Sudden pain are those which are triggered due to a sudden injury like accidents or falling down. The level and intensity of pain varies according to the impact of said event. Fractures and ligament tears are its examples. Immediate medical attention is required in such cases. Energy healing helps in reducing the pain and speedy recovery. In cases where there are wounds, energy healing prevents pus formation in wounds.

3.     Soothes Age Related Pain – Develops gradually in years and level of intensity depends upon many factors such as lifestyle, eating habits etc. Example include Arthritis. Regular care is required in such pain as it becomes worse if not properly looked after. Energy healing soothes mind, body and soul and such care is required in old age. Other than reducing pain it also makes them mentally strong preventing further issues.

4.    Lessens Expected Pain (surgery) – Pain after surgery is inevitable and although the time is known still, won’t it be better if it can be controlled as much as possible without any side-effects? Energy Healing for such pains can alleviate the pain and help in speedy recovery as well.

5.     Relieves Stress Related Pain – Many a times, emotional or mental stress takes a physical form and expressed in way of body pain. This kind of pain cannot be detected in medical tests as there is no physical ailment. But pain is real which affects the patient and is difficult to be controlled by medicines. Energy healing helps in reducing stress which is the main cause of this kind of pain and also helps in the physical aspect of reducing pain.

Although pain is an integral part of our life and teaches us the importance of a pain free life, we can take steps to reduce it or end it. It will definitely make our lives better, energy healing will help in that without any side effects.

Kundalini- Energy in Coiled form

There are some events in life which change a person completely. These events can be good or bad but the changes in the person who is affected by them after them are life-long. Same kind of changes can sometimes be seen in people who follow spiritual practices regularly for a long time. We may want to believe that external factors are responsible for those changes but in reality there is something inside us which makes those changes happen. External factors or events act as catalysts not creators of those changes. The thing rather phenomenon responsible for such changes is Kundalini.

‘Kundalini’ is a Sanskrit word which means  “in coiled form”. So Kundalini is basically energy stored in coiled form at the base of the spine which is Root Chakra. Root Chakra is the first of Chakras among seven major Chakras and abode of Kundalini in its basic, non-awakened form. 

Kundalini Awakening
Kundalini Awakening means Kundalini begins to uncoil and go upwards towards upper Chakras resulting in major changes in that person. Kundalini does not always rise in an instant sometimes it is a slow process and the adaptability to changes is easier. There are certain symptoms that are associated with Kundalini Awakening like pain at the base of the spine or extreme changes of opposite nature like a talkative person becoming quite. Again these are not always present some people may not show any such symptoms even if the process of Kundalini Awakening has started.  

There are many people who want to awaken Kundalini and do various practices for it like Kundalini Yoga, meditation, Energy Healing attunements. When Kundalini awakens it travels upwards through the Chakras and open them in the process. There is a renewed sense of energy when this happens at every Chakra. This leads to better understanding of self, various spiritual phenomenons  among other things and that is what inspires people to try and awake Kundalini.

Dealing with Kundalini Awakening
Dealing with Kundalini Awakening the right way is very important .Kundalini Awakening means dealing with intense energy levels which requires a lot of stability and inner sense of peace on our part. That is why the practices which help in awakening Kundalini makes it happen slowly, in a more controlled way also preparing us to deal with Awakening of Kundalini.

Kundalini and its awakening is an astonishing phenomenon which cannot be described in words fully. The extent of its experience goes beyond words and senses still it was a try to give some basic information about Kundalini.

Energy healing for stress

Namaste Everyone,
A warm welcome to all of you. I am Arunima, an energy healer/reiki practitioner from Pune, India. In this post, we will talk about Root Chakra and Healing through Reiki.
Someone had a melt down at office party, someone forgot the most important dates of their lives, someone is unable to sleep at night, someone getting angry over pity issues, all this because of Stress in their lives. We may make fun of such situations but somewhere we are also consumed by the darkness created by it. Short-temperedness, Insomnia, bad physical health are some other common issues related to stress.

Let’s talk about the big bad wolf which is always present nearby lurking in the shadows, ready to attack us. The worst part is we have accepted it as a part of our lives so much so that kids, who are supposed to be care free, are also in its clutches. Yes, the ever present stress in our lives affects us all including kids.
Stress is way more dangerous because of its domino effect on physical, mental and psychological well- being of a person. Stress also has a bad effect on our chakras, all seven of them and since all the chakras are interlinked this creates a mayhem in our lives. For an example, when stress affects Solar Plexus Chakra, it in turn affects organs like liver, gall bladder, pancreas etc. and it will have an adverse effect on digestion. With digestion problems many other problems start as we don’t get the required nutrients for our body to work properly.

There is a common belief and it is true to a certain extent that change in environment can reduce stress. Yes, it may work for a certain situation but the habit of taking stress which has formed over the years cannot be cured by it. Many people when come back to the same environment which gave them stress start feeling stress again. It is not always possible to stay away from such situations especially when it involves our jobs or daily routine.

When the problem is in daily routine, answer should also be in our habits. If we cultivate habits like Mediation, Yoga, regular physical exercise, it will make a lot of difference to how we perceive stress.
As stress affects us on multiple levels the solution should also work on multiple levels. Energy healing such as Omni Healing is one such solution which works on the root cause of stress and lessens the tendency of taking stress over every little thing. An Omni Healer does this by channelizing positive vibes in a person in an effective manner through Touch Healing or Distance Healing. It is an effortless alternative as the healee is relaxed while healer performs healing.

If we can stay stress-free, it will solve many of our problems and our life will become better for sure.
If you want Chakra Balancing or remove blockages through Reiki, please contact me at I live in Pune, but distance healing is possible in all of India.